Friday, November 20, 2009
This Life of mine!
I guess it has been awhile huh? So much has happened in the last few months....(holy crap a little more than a month until x-mas???) Can you believe this year has gone so very fast!
I started a new medical thingy for my headaches, IT WORKS! I cant even begin to say how wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and not be in pain all day everyday! my knee surgery didn't work, that sucks) and the Dr. says they can't do anything else other than replace it completely and I think I will wait until I can no longer stand it before I take that route.
Thing 1 got a job and a driver's license, talk about heart attack! She got a Hostessing position at one of the more upscale Metro restaurants. She is so excited to be making her own money, she always for some reason had trouble asking for money for anything,(not kidding, you should see some of the child's under things, wow! Salvation Army wouldn't even take em!) I have something else to stress over now even though I know she is a great driver, it is the other idiots out there that I will worried about!
Thing 2, well I just has a text conversation with him and his new signature is "CARLY <3",>, I am not entirely sure that I am comfortable with this. This is the first time he has ever expressed his affection towards a girl in this open of a manner, he usually goes through girls more than he changes his underwear, no joke. I just hope he paid attention in health class.
Frankie and I have just discovered the land of Apps on Crackbook so I am glad we have 2 laptops other than just the home PC. That way we can still sit next to each other instead of having to take turns in the other room. We actually have been watching some TV shows on that NetFlix instant thingy on the xBox and laptops, so far 3 seasons of Dexter (so frickin' awesome), 2 seasons of Weeds, and 1/2 way into the second season of lost(which is a lot because it is 25 episodes in stead of the regular 12.) I can't believe we have never gotten into it before now cause it rocks!!! But my favorite show America's Next Top Model is over * :( sad face* and Frankie is quite proud of himself. At the beginning of every season we both chose 2 girls we believe can or will win. Nicole was his first choice. I am really liking what Tyra is doing with the show, picking a theme, I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. We don't watch too much TV around here until lately. The shows we normally watch, like can't miss, are ANTM, House, Fringe and Bones. If we are around we will watch CSI, Lie to me, NCIS LA, 90210, Doll House, and The Good Wife.
All in all things have been pretty good here, I am just getting over what the Doc says is, da-da-dah....Swine Flu, so money has been (beans and wieners) tight. I am just glad I have a county job and they have epidemic policies in place so I am not going to get fired for missing so much work.
Our other new obsession is our 60 gallon Saltwater Aquarium. It is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced, from putting in just the right mix of salt to live rock, coral, fish...all of it has been amazing. I was apprehensive at first, I though it was just going to be another one of Frankie's expensive hobbies that he gets in to then gets sick of in 3 or 4 months and forgets about. No way I am letting this go, I love just sitting in front of the tank watching everything sway and float serenely through the water and the fish are so vibrant and beautiful. I will see if I can find a picture to share that is representative of how awesome it is.
I have blabbed enough and the boys are yelling for some food so I need to go but I will be back soon, I forgot how nice it is to get everything out here. Been keeping too much in, having some stress attacks lately and I think I know why. My 1 year blogiversary passed and I didn't even realize so happy 1 year for me.....w00t.
Hope all is well with you, and don't think that because I haven't commented I haven't been reading. See ya on the flip side!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I suck at follow-ups
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday's are my favorite....
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Not the story,, my life....
Back to my total lack of self-control, I don't want to get into it right now so I will save it for the next post. I love all of you and will write again soon!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Chapter Two....updated.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Once there was a woman named Evelyn, she had many problems. To her they seemed insurmountable, unattainable goals, full of hopelessness. She was a very serious girl, never laughing, crying or showing any type of emotional weakness.
She had the emotional hide of a rhinoceros. In spite of her what seemed to be unbearable life, she was beautiful. Her hair was perfect; long, wavy and a deep red. Her lips full but subtle and soft. Her delicate features made her stand out in a crowd. However, her eyes were stone gray, and for people who cared to notice, they truly showed her pain. They were her one point of weakness and told her story with a connecting glance.
One day as she was walking in the city she came across a small child. The child had long blond hair, the color of the noon day sun. Her eyes were the same shade of Grey as Evelyn's own. The small girl although seemingly lost showed no signs of fear. Evelyn asked, "Is there someone you're waiting for, or someplace you should be?" The small girl exclaimed "I am never going home, my mommy doesn't love me the same as she loves him!" Evelyn thought about the right way to go about this, it could very well turn into apotentially bad situation quickly.
Then Evelyn opened her mouth to speak to the child, but as soon as she could and did, the child had turned and ran away from her. Evelyn tried to follow her, but the young girl was lost in the crowd witin seconds. The thought of this child plagued her mind for about five minutes, but being the self absorbed person she was, she decided that she didn't have time to worry about it now. Evelyn decide if the girl was still there after her appointment she could and would worry about it then. For now she had far more pressing things to take car of. Mainly her financial situation, which was quickly spiraling out of control, and the recent turn of events that had befallen her. Her parents had decided to die at an extremely inconvenient time and it was all she could do to keep food on her table and a bottle of wine in the fridge. You would think that in this type of situation someone would be depressed and miserable, the only thing that was troublesome for her about her parents losing their lives was that she had to pay for the funeral and for the credit cards, not to mention the therapist bills that she has to pay for. Her past with her parents was basically non- existent. They were the reason her heart was as cold as ice, and the reason that no one knew the way she really felt. For so long her feelings have been buried, buried beneath the layers of lies and excuses that kept her from saying what's really going on in her head. The endless string of therapist and drugs only solidified the fact that the one person in the world she need was herself. As Evelyn walked into the office building she shrugged out of her lightweight rain jacket. She had moved to Seattle, Washington long before her parents had even become sick. The skies here matched her eyes perfectly. Sitting in the dull waiting room of her therapist's office never made things any better.The terrible green color of the walls was supposed to be calming but instead it reminded her of the awful color of her parents couch in high school. There were water stained magazines on the end tables so that the patients would be occupied while waiting, waiting to spill out the contents of their lonely lives on to the chaise lounge that awaited them. There were fake plants in every corner collecting dust, being neglected just like every sap that walked into this terrible place. Today she was here to talk about her parents, her therapist suggested it after hearing about their recent death. A woman turned the corner and called her name after looking at the clipboard with a slight snarl. Evelyn stood up and took the long walk down the hallway to the room everyone dreaded to enter. Dr. Lacey greeted her with a warm smile, that for anyone else would make their knees tremble and their heart skip a beat but Evelyn was unaffected. It isn't that she did not find Dr. Love (as she called him behind his back) attractive. It was simply that Evelyn knew she had no time for such nonsense in her life right now. Dr. Lacey asked her to sit down and just once she wished she could say no, but she sat. The instant barage of questioning began, how was your week, any episodes of hysteria, suicidal thoughts, any urges to hurt other people? Eveyln answered "No" to these as she always did. Her grandfather had commited suicide and she saw it simply as the cowards way out. Her father had taught her to stand and face your problems, look them in the eye....this today brought a single tear to her eye. As she quickly brushed it away she looked up from under her lashes to see if Dr. Sexy had seen, he hadn't. He to was looking down, only he was looking at a clipboard full of notes from past sessions. Still looking down towards the floor she asked, "Do you think this is the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry?" He looked up waiting for her eyes to glance towards him, but today he seemed to be the patron saint of lost causes. Finally he replied, "That is a very deep question that may take some time for me to answer." In the mean time is there anything you would like to talk about? Eveyln started..... well Doctor, on my way here I ran into a little girl, she seemed to me to be lost and alone but when I asked her, she burst out an ran. I cant seem to get her off my mind now that I've thought of it, and I can't help to think that I was meant to come across her. To which he replied, "Do you believe she was some sort of sign?" Evelyn then said, "You know never mind, Its not important." She was lying, to him and to herself. They sat in silence for almost a minute until they both spoke at the same time, causing another akward silence which was followed by Dr. Lacey's voice reminding Evelyn that she could speak her mind here and that within these walls he was nothing more than a confidant to whom she could trust with anything. That if there was going to be any change she had to be willing to talk. She nodded but then asked is this session over? And Dr. Lacey replied in his soothing voice, only if you want it to be.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The end of a nightmare
Monday, June 29, 2009
Kind of a meme.....
- Acquaintances. These are the people that I speak to randomly, when we are thrown together in some sort of a social situation.
- Friends. These are the people that I can speak to on a whim, without having to have some sort of a social situation to pull us together.
- Good Friends. These are the people that I can go to and I'm pretty sure that they can be depended upon to pull me out from underneath my little black rain cloud.
- Great Friends. These are the people that I can go to and I'm sure that they can be depended upon to pull me out from underneath my little black rain cloud and would keep my secrets for me. If I paid them enough, they'd even watch my kids for me if I needed them to.
- Best Friends. These are the people that I can go to and I'm 100% positively certain that they can be depended upon to pull me out from underneath my little black rain cloud. These people can be counted on through thick and thin to lift my spirits, keep my secrets and will wonder why I didn't ask them first instead of scrambling to find someone else to babysit (provided they are geographically able to assist me in that). I'm lucky enough that I have (according to me) two of these.
- Bestest Friend. Words can't even describe how much having this kind of friend means to me.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wowie Zowie,,,,,
While you digest that I am going to mull Monday around in my head and will pick up tomorrow where I stopped today.
Sweetness and love
Friday, June 19, 2009
i know, i know
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
One more thing....
Oh Wednesday....
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday blah,
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter, what Easter....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Long but not long enough....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Fun Idea
- Alexandra Needs... to buy a tooth.
- Alexandra Needs... to steal Mary's stylist.
- Alexandra Needs... a dose of reality inducing drugs.
- Alexandra Needs... ample social stimulation
- Alexandra Needs... a surgical intervention.
- Alexandra Needs... to do original songs.
- Alexandra Needs... a part time job.
- Alexandra Needs... more than just a rat trap for this vermin.
- Alexandra Needs... YOU.
- Alexandra Needs... to give it up.
What do you think? Some of them are pretty funny. The last is pretty sad, I wonder who that Alexandra really is and what they need to give up? What about number 8..... WTF? Do I really need a tooth...LOL. Thanks FITP.... That was fun!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Work sucks...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I almost pissed myself on #14
I just read this on Dad Gone Mad and thought it was to good not to pass on...
Alternatives To The Comment Cliché 'I Just Threw Up In My Mouth'
1-I just got herpes from Dick Cheney.
2-I just farted in my happy place.
3-I just let the dogs out.
4-I just dry-humped Melissa Etheridge.
5-I just threw up in that person's mouth.
6-I just dry heaved and that made someone else throw up in my mouth.
7-I just threw up in my butt.
8-I just forgot how to throw up.
9-I just threw up and it tasted like a Pop-Tart.
10-I just crapped in my adult diaper.
11-I didn't really just throw up in my mouth but I say I did because that's what everyone says when they see something gross.
12I'm thinking about throwing up in my mouth.
13-I'm presently throwing up in my mouth, so I'd better stop talking now.
14-See this? It's throw-up. It was in my mouth a second ago, but I found it kind of pointless to keep it there so I opened my mouth and now it's right there. Sweet, huh?
15-Mouth throw-up. It's what's for dinner.
16-Mouth throw-up. The other reddish-orangish-brown meat.
17-I really need to find a different blog to read.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The new Tattoo
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Not Today....not ever.
Oh and on a side note, spent 2.5 hours at Chuckie fucking Cheese today. Next time remind me of the migraine please. I hate C.C. UGH!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wordless wednesday

These flowers were picked on what used to be the family farm in Louisville KY. My grandmother recently pasted away and my mother sold the farm to a developer. On our last family vacation we took our kids to the spot that used to be my favorite place to think. While we were there we found these plain but beautiful flowers and decided to pay respect to my Grandmothers grave and left them there on her headstone. Last year I lost both of my Grandmothers within weeks of each other...tough thing to have to deal with one dying let alone both in three weeks. These pictures bring back a lot of memories, some sad..but mostly happy because I shared so many memories with my children that week. I will always remember....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
So tell me Internet, has anything like this ever happened to you?
Did you ever do something where you almost died, even if it wasn't a serious situation and no one else thought it was as dangerous as you felt it was afterwords??
I need to fell like I am not the only stupid person alive still today??
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl??
I am currently sitting on my couch with my new PINK laptop!! I love it, it is a Sony Vaio and it is the prettiest shade of pink i think ever!!!
Thing one and I are going to see Katy Perry tomorrow night at the U of A, I am so excited. It has been awhile since i went to a concert. I believe the last concert I saw was The Cure up in Phoenix last year. Took thing one and thing two to that one as well...thing two hates Katy though so we are not going to drag him with us.
I have been fighting this stupid illness for awhile, I have lost 20 pounds in a month and a half. I can't sleep and my headaches are not getting any better. less frequent but damn if I am going to be miserable....
Well I am off to watch some funny commercials. love ya...
Monday, January 19, 2009
I'm sorry I suck so bad..............
On another note Frankie got a PS3 for a late Christmas present and we got the game Little Big Planet, which is absolutely the best game ever besides Animal Planet for the Wii which is what I got for Christmas. Between those 2 games and systems we haven't done much else. I also got the WHOLE Twilight series and am seriously addicted, Bella is a lot like me and I find it quite hysterical that she is so idiotically stupid sometimes. On another note I think that Robert Pattenson is a poor, poor choice for Edward.
That about sums up everything from after Christmas until now, I am a County employee so I have today off, silly but I will take any free payed day off I can get. I was driving to my mothers house this morning , it was around 930am and I had all the windows rolled down and the sun was shining and I realized that I live in on of the most truly beautiful places in the USA. It is currently 75 degrees, no wind, blue skies and majestic mountains all around. Thing one has said that as soon as she graduates High School she is moving someplace where it rains and snow, i just don't understand. Although she has lived in Tucson all her life so she really doesn't have anything to compare it to. I was also thinking to myself that I have a wonderful loving husband(he may be a little lazy...eh oh well) 3 beautiful children who are all brilliant and relatively well behaved, 3 wonderful dogs that are all fantastic, a beautiful new house and for the first time in my life I feel completely happy and fulfilled. I mean i suppose I could find something to complain about (ex husband marrying my best friend and knocking her up after swearing to me that he would never have anymore kids to the point where we fought about who was going to get fixed while we were still married...you may want to go back and read the part before the parenthesis that was kinda long) but what is the point. All the things that stress me out I really can't do anything about so why stress out over nothing!
I also would like to wish Lisa the best last few months...may they be the best ever. Clusterfook was one of the first blogs I started reading and I found her story to be extremely inspirational. I thought if this woman who is going through so much can find time to document her life I should be able to...right. Lisa I love you and I wish you the best! Thank you for sharing your life and struggles and pain with us all.
Anyway, i apologize again for staying away so long, I was busy living and enjoying my life. see ya next time.....xoxo