Monday, June 29, 2009

Kind of a meme.....

I got this off of Charm School's blog and I found it just right, what kind of friends do you have? Unfortunatley I don't have too many of any of them right now.
  • Acquaintances. These are the people that I speak to randomly, when we are thrown together in some sort of a social situation.
  • Friends. These are the people that I can speak to on a whim, without having to have some sort of a social situation to pull us together.
  • Good Friends. These are the people that I can go to and I'm pretty sure that they can be depended upon to pull me out from underneath my little black rain cloud.
  • Great Friends. These are the people that I can go to and I'm sure that they can be depended upon to pull me out from underneath my little black rain cloud and would keep my secrets for me.  If I paid them enough, they'd even watch my kids for me if I needed them to.
  • Best Friends. These are the people that I can go to and I'm 100% positively certain that they can be depended upon to pull me out from underneath my little black rain cloud.  These people can be counted on through thick and thin to lift my spirits, keep my secrets and will wonder why I didn't ask them first instead of scrambling to find someone else to babysit (provided they are geographically able to assist me in that).  I'm lucky enough that I have (according to me) two of these.
  • Bestest Friend. Words can't even describe how much having this kind of friend means to me.
I think I have 1 Good Friend and a few Friends.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wowie Zowie,,,,,

So much has happened since Sunday, for those of you who follow me on Twitter you probably know kind of whats going on. Leaving out the gory details...Saturday night I went out with a girlfriend and got shitty drunk and didn't make it home until 4:30 in the morning. Sunday morning my husband put some clothes in a garbage bag packed up his PS3 and promptly left my sorry ass. i slept and wallowed in my own misery most of the day on Sunday and about 5 or 6pm he came over to talk. we chatted for a couple hours and I thought things were going better and when he made a move on me I assumed he was thinking he was coming back....yeah not so much. he had sex with me then picked up and left.
While you digest that I am going to mull Monday around in my head and will pick up tomorrow where I stopped today.
Sweetness and love

Friday, June 19, 2009

i know, i know

So I feel bad because I have not posted in like almost 4 weeks. Truth of the matter is I haven't done much of anything lately, I am kindof in a funk. I got my blackberry and got all caught up in twitter and I haven't been working a lot but mostly I have been sleeping. My headaches are still taking up most of my energy and sanity. We have a bunch of family in town right now and the ex's baby shower is this weekend, I am just generally a wreck! I know this is a sorry excuse for a post and in all reality I should be venting here. Journaling would probably help a lot. I am making myself a promise right here right now, I am going to postat least 3 times a week. If I don't will someone call me out please? TTFN.