So I know I haven't been writing much, I have a lot going on, doctor appointments nearly 2 times a week. I have a condition called Adenomyosis.I also have severe headache's that they think may or may not be migraine and may or may not be tension. I also found out today that a lump that I found about 6 months to a year ago on my scalp MAY be a tumor, it could also just be a cyst.... because it is on my scalp they can not take it out in the Dr's office, it has to be taken out in the OR and I have to be Knocked out...I HATE being knocked out! Can you say Stressed out....so instead of venting I have been hiding...anybody else do this? I have decided to post some pictures of things that make me happy...enjoy!!!
The first one is me and thing 1 & 2 a couple weekends ago...still summer, the second one was taken by my talented daughter of my handsome son and the third pic is thing 1 & 2 when they are at their best and behaving and loving each other...oh how I wish it was always this way! Until next time....kbye