Friday, March 26, 2010

MY BOX....

I just got my Dollar $tore Challenge is perfect! It has everything i wanted and more, I am getting ready to cook supper so I will elaborate in a bit...Thank you Adrienne! I don't know what your blog is called....leave me a comment and let me know so I can thank you properly!

Funny from someone else...

I got this from Why are you stalking me and thought it was hysterical! also it's Friday and i am way to tired to be funny for myself...or just plain lazy works too!
I was confused when I heard the word service used with these agencies:
Internal Revenue service
 U.S. Postal service
Telephone service
Cable TV service
 Civil service
 State, City, County & Public service
 Customer service
 This is not what I thought service meant. But today, I overheard two farmers talking and one of them said he had hired a bull to service a few cows. BAM!!!  It all came into focus.  I understand what all those agencies are doing.  Now you are as enlightened as I am.