Um, yeah so....... I guess it has been awhile huh? So much has happened in the last few months....(holy crap a little more than a month until x-mas???) Can you believe this year has gone so very fast! I started a new medical thingy for my headaches, IT WORKS! I cant even begin to say how wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and not be in pain all day everyday! my knee surgery didn't work, that sucks) and the Dr. says they can't do anything else other than replace it completely and I think I will wait until I can no longer stand it before I take that route. Thing 1 got a job and a driver's license, talk about heart attack! She got a Hostessing position at one of the more upscale Metro restaurants. She is so excited to be making her own money, she always for some reason had trouble asking for money for anything,(not kidding, you should see some of the child's under things, wow! Salvation Army wouldn't even take em!) I have something else to stress over now even though I know she is a great driver, it is the other idiots out there that I will worried about! Thing 2, well I just has a text conversation with him and his new signature is "CARLY <3",>, I am not entirely sure that I am comfortable with this. This is the first time he has ever expressed his affection towards a girl in this open of a manner, he usually goes through girls more than he changes his underwear, no joke. I just hope he paid attention in health class. Frankie and I have just discovered the land of Apps on Crackbook so I am glad we have 2 laptops other than just the home PC. That way we can still sit next to each other instead of having to take turns in the other room. We actually have been watching some TV shows on that NetFlix instant thingy on the xBox and laptops, so far 3 seasons of Dexter (so frickin' awesome), 2 seasons of Weeds, and 1/2 way into the second season of lost(which is a lot because it is 25 episodes in stead of the regular 12.) I can't believe we have never gotten into it before now cause it rocks!!! But my favorite show America's Next Top Model is over * :( sad face* and Frankie is quite proud of himself. At the beginning of every season we both chose 2 girls we believe can or will win. Nicole was his first choice. I am really liking what Tyra is doing with the show, picking a theme, I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. We don't watch too much TV around here until lately. The shows we normally watch, like can't miss, are ANTM, House, Fringe and Bones. If we are around we will watch CSI, Lie to me, NCIS LA, 90210, Doll House, and The Good Wife. All in all things have been pretty good here, I am just getting over what the Doc says is, da-da-dah....Swine Flu, so money has been (beans and wieners) tight. I am just glad I have a county job and they have epidemic policies in place so I am not going to get fired for missing so much work. Our other new obsession is our 60 gallon Saltwater Aquarium. It is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced, from putting in just the right mix of salt to live rock, coral, fish...all of it has been amazing. I was apprehensive at first, I though it was just going to be another one of Frankie's expensive hobbies that he gets in to then gets sick of in 3 or 4 months and forgets about. No way I am letting this go, I love just sitting in front of the tank watching everything sway and float serenely through the water and the fish are so vibrant and beautiful. I will see if I can find a picture to share that is representative of how awesome it is. I have blabbed enough and the boys are yelling for some food so I need to go but I will be back soon, I forgot how nice it is to get everything out here. Been keeping too much in, having some stress attacks lately and I think I know why. My 1 year blogiversary passed and I didn't even realize so happy 1 year for me.....w00t. Hope all is well with you, and don't think that because I haven't commented I haven't been reading. See ya on the flip side!